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Does Your Logo Effectively Represent Your Brand?

Does Your Logo Effectively Represent Your Brand

It’s so important to ensure that the value of your business can be recognised and understood at a glance with the right logo. If you feel your logo doesn’t represent your business to the standard you would like, it could be worth having a branding refresh. In this article we will look at what you need to do to ensure your business is accurately represented to your intended audience through your logo.

What Is A Logo? And Why Is It Important?

A logo is a symbol or design used to identify a company or organization, as well as its products, services, employees, initiatives etc. It should be designed to be memorable and provide the ‘face’ to your business.

A great logo should be:

  • Simple
  • Memorable
  • Evocative

As your logo is an essential part of your brand, you need to ensure it’s done well. All your branding materials will have your logo on them, such as your website, packaging and social media pages. A professional logo design not only has the power to communicate what you stand for; it will also make a good first impression and help you stand out from the competition. With a more long-term scope, a good logo can also convey the personality of your brand, which in turn can build a customer's emotional attachment to your business which is important for retaining loyal customers.

What Should Your Logo Do?

1. Inform Consumers Of Your Product/Service Offering

When creating your logo, your aim should be that in one glance you are able to tell a customer that they have come to the right place. As a consumer, coming across a logo which clearly represents the service you are looking for would draw your eye and give you an instant desire to find out more.

2. Communicate The Personality Of Your Business and Become Memorable

Logos are a point of identification; they’re the symbol that customers use to recognize your brand. Ideally, you’ll want people to instantly connect at the sight of your logo.

There are probably so many words you would use to describe the personality of your business but trying to show all of them through your logo will make your branding weak and forgettable.

Instead, trying to focus on one word that you would like customers to associate with your business, and focus on representing that in your logo, either stylistically or graphically.

As an example, if your business is reliable, professional and no-nonsense then you may opt for a more formal typeface with a mature colour, such as navy blue or maroon. However, if you have a colourful, fun and bright cupcake business you would reflect this very differently style-wise through your logo and branding.

3. Represent Your Company

A logo is a company’s first introduction to consumers. So, it may sound obvious, but it's important that your business name is displayed clearly in your logo.

This first impression is your way to immediately communicate ownership of your product or service or the niche you dominate in. It can be easily done, but don't lose your identity in a cloud of swirls and colours. Customers need to understand who you are, and to make that happen the name of your business needs to be proportionally the most prominent element of your logo.

If your logo isn't easy to read, then your customers will not remember your name. And that will be devastating for your brand.

4. Mirror Your Target Audience and Grab Their Attention

Consumers have short attention spans and do not owe your business anything. So, you have about two seconds to convince potential customers that your products are worth considering.

A logo can help to quickly a grab viewer’s attention and communicate a company’s core values in an interesting way. The style of your logo should mirror the aesthetic preference of your target audience. This is because if your logo style is too different, then it is likely you will make customers feel wary of your business, even if your product/service answers their needs perfectly. A good way to identify this would be a customer survey to find out what colours and styles your target demographic like

If you don’t have a logo that sticks in the mind of consumers, then you are missing an opportunity to make your business memorable.

5. Foster Brand Loyalty

Consumers crave consistency. Therefore, as your brand grows, your logo is going to become more familiar to many consumers, and this familiarity creates the perception that you’re trustworthy and accessible.

A clear example of this is Nike’s branding, and their famous tick that is recognised and loved globally. Consumer trust is built on a well-designed logo, and brand loyalty is quick to follow. Once customers establish that like your brand, they are going to seek you out again and again – and your logo is the thing they’ll look for first.

During this difficult and unexpected time of uncertainty, please rest assured that Paramount Formations is still operating as normal. We are here to support your business formation needs in any way we can. If you would like any advice, information or guidance on forming a business, do not hesitate to ask! Call us on 0800 0198 698, speak to us on our live chat or use our contact form. Alternatively, you can browse our company formation products to find out more about what we can offer.

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