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Why a Registered London Address Sets The Right Tone For Business

Why a Registered London Address Sets The Right Tone For Business

All UK limited companies must have a formal registered address where official post can be served, as well as post from HMRC. While it might appear logical for a registered address to be the office or building you work from, there are many good reasons why choosing our London registered address makes the most sense:

Prevent unwanted people from turning up on your doorstop

If you work from home, the last thing you want on a Friday afternoon is for a customer to turn up at your door. What if that customer is a little disgruntled? What if you aren’t actually at home and your partner or children have to handle the situation?

Whilst one of the pleasures of working from home and being your own boss is being able to choose your working hours, the last thing you need is for people to start showing up unexpected and expect a reception area, a substantial office, or even a store to return goods to!

Having a professional registered office address and using our service eliminates this problem, so you can be safe in the knowledge that your home is just that – your home. Your home or operating address is then protected so people turning up unannounced will never be an issue.

Project a more professional image by operating via a London registered address

No matter what your business is, creating the right image is important. If you want to create a business persona that matches your professionalism, then a London registered office address makes more sense than using your home address. People are quick to judge so an appropriate business image often makes the difference.

Bypass tricky mortgage and rental agreements if you work from home

If you rent, often you may not use your address as a registered office address, but that shouldn’t stop you from living the dream of starting your own company. If that is the case, our registered office address service is the perfect solution.

Reduce the amount of junk mail you receive

Simply put, we will only forward you your statutory mail, meaning you’ll easily reduce the amount of junk mail through your door! All official mail is redirected to your specified address on a daily basis, at no additional cost you to and you can be sure of getting a quick and efficient service.

For more information on our registered address service, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of our team.

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